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ttb current account

ttb current account

An account designed to help you manage your day-to-day money. With cheque facility, there is no need to carry a large amount of cash. O/D is also permitted.

Product Highlights

O/D is available in accordance with the Bank’s conditions. Interest will be deducted from the account at month-end

Easily check transactions from monthly statements.

Enhance convenience for utility bill payment / payment of goods and services through direct debit.

Product details

Account Details

  • Provide convenience for cash withdrawal / payment of goods and services through cheque facility.
  • Alleviate cheque returned problem due to insufficient account balance in case the payer forgot to transfer money for cheque clearing.
  • Reduce inter-account transfer fee.
  • O/D is available in accordance with the Bank’s conditions. Interest will be deducted from the account at month-end.
  • Enhance convenience for utility bill payment / payment of goods and services through direct debit.
  • Easily check transactions from monthly statements.
  • More convenient when using in conjunction with lite debit card
  • Card fee 200 Baht/5 years and free annual fee throughout card usage.
  • Initial deposit of 10,000 Baht for account opening.
  • A minimum of 10,000 Baht is required for account opening

Interest rate and fee

  • Interest rates and other fees shall be as announced by the Bank.

Application Documents


Individuals / Private Individual

  • National ID card or official identity document with the card owner’s photo.